Gallipoli (movie)

Gallipoli is an Australian film directed by Peter Weir , released in 1981 .


In May 1915, during the First World War , two Australian friends pledged to fight on the European Front alongside the Allies. They meet in Gallipoli , Turkey , and discover the horrors of war during the Battle of the Dardanelles . Troops, in particular, must deal with a limited and incompetent command which sends them knowingly to death.

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Master and Commander: On the other side of the world

Master and Commander : the other side of the world or Master and Commander: the other side of the world toCanadaFrench (Master and Commander: The Far Side of the Worldin the original version) is amovieAmerican directed byPeter Weirout in2003, inspired by the volumes Master on board , The Surprise , War Fortune , On the other side of the world , The Letter from Mark drawn from the series of 21 historical and maritime novels, The Aubreyades , written by the British novelistPatrick O’Brian.

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